

Moderation | Utility | Auditing | Automation

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Audit Logs

Valkyrie logs a whole host of events, from archiving deleted messages to tracking what times users joined and left voice channels.

Interations and Commands

Valkyrie is up-to-date with the current modern standard of Discord interaction handling, thanks to slash commands and message elements like drop-downs and buttons!

Tags - Free-range Custom Commands

Valkyrie supports the creation and usage of custom commands - tags provide moderators with a way of triggering automatic text responses to cut down on repetition and mundane questions. Tags can be restricted by user, role or channel to ensure you are always in control.

Moderation Commands

All the staple LFG commands you know and love, like:

  • Ban - Bans users from the Server
  • Kick - Kicks users from the Server
  • Warn - Applies a formal warning to the user's account
  • Mute - Mutes the user for a specified amount of time via role application
  • Timeout - Times the user out for a specified amount of time using Discord's baked-in Timeout-based mute
  • The Infraction System

    All moderation actions run through Valkyrie generate infractions. Any server with Valkyrie in can see the number of infractions a user has globally accross all servers with the /userinfo command!
    Users can review their own infractions and Moderators can revoke infractions at any time.

    Self/Reaction Roles

    No bot would be complete without a self-service role system! Valkyrie, however, goes the extra mile and provides two easy, intuitive methods for creating self-serve role menus: reaction-based or dropdown-based! Simply set up your desired instruction messager, add your options and you're off!

    LFG Events

    LFG Events are an efficient way of organising your events so everyone knows when, where and what is going on in your server. Users can create an event, pick a start time, date and other information like group size and activity description, and then post it to a channel for members to subscribe to using the Join, Leave or Substitute button. Perfect for putting together the perfect Raid team or PVP Deathstack!


    Valkyrie's Modmail system is something I am extremely proud of. Gone are the days where you need a separate, locally hosted modmail bot per server - Valkyrie simply checks all the servers it has in common with the user, then asks them to which server they'd like to direct their query! Modmail also features a variety of natural-language like options, such as sending a response if keywords are used, as well as the ability to block senders that are misusing the system, and keeping full logs of every ticket. Simply enable modmail in the config and you're off to the races!